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The school hours run from 9.00AM – 2:40PM.

The children have a 10-minute snack-break at 10.10PM. Morning break is from 11.10AM – 11.30AM and lunch is from 12:30PM -1.10PM. School finishes at 2:40 PM.



Woodbury School operates its own bus which covers two rural runs within the Woodbury School Zone. The first rural bus arrives at school at 8:15AM and the second at 8:48AM. The after school rural runs depart school at 2:44PM and 3:15PM. The school also privately contracts Ritchies for the Town run which leaves from George Street, Geraldine at 8.35AM and then from Woodbury School at 2.45PM. Parents who use the Ritchies bus contribute to the costs of this service and are invoiced in Term 1. Mrs Jud Baynes is our Bus Controller.



Our school has a blue Woodbury School polo top. These are used on special occasions and school trips. Students may wear the top to school on a daily basis if wished. Each child must purchase a top, which are sold Peter Young Apparel in Geraldine for $25.



Children bring a small snack for brain break at 10.10AM, another snack for mid-morning interval, and lunch for 12:30PM. We offer a daily ‘heat up’ where children can bring along a hot lunch item. Please ensure your child's name is written clearly on the outside of the food item, either wrapped in tin foil or a suitable container for heating in the oven. Children should bring their own named water bottles, which can be filled up at the drinking fountains around the school grounds. We are a rubbish free school, so all lunch rubbish goes home in the child’s lunch box.


Every Friday the school has a sausage sizzle BBQ, each sausage (which comes with bread and tomato sauce) is $2. You can either pay weekly to the office by Wednesday, or pay for the full term in advance.



The school newsletter comes out every 2nd Wednesday and is sent to all parents, and to the wider community via email. It is also available on the website.



There is a system in place to follow up child absences. Any absences should be reported to the school office by the parent or care-giver. If a child is not at school and no notification has been received when the morning roll is taken, the follow-up absences process begins immediately. Also, any change to a child's usual transport arrangements to and from school should also be notified (eg, being picked up by Grandmother today so not on bus). Please ring school, or email the office, or write a note - it is not enough to ask your child to pass a message on. These procedures are strictly adhered to in the interests of your child's welfare and safety.



We are lucky enough to be able to offer After School Care for Woodbury School families during the school term. Our Teacher Aides are on a roster over the week to run the program, which is from 3.15PM-5.15PM Monday - Thursday. Costs for parents is $15 per child, per afternoon.



The school has a number of contact agencies we use if your child needs emotional, behavioural or academic support. Please contact the Principal if you feel your child needs further support.



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